
Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Now that Grimhilda! is online, I can move onto the next project. Some will no doubt think this will be the sequel to Grimhilda! and originally that was my intention.  However, I've had another writing project sitting on the backburner for some time, and since it's mainly a matter of editing and editing (and perhaps editing again) I've gone on to do that.  I'm planning on getting the book online by April.

It concerns a time in late 2008 when I had a biopsy for possible prostate cancer. The biopsy itself was unpleasant, but the aftermath was much worse. You'll have to wait until the book comes out to find out why.

Suffice to say I didn't go on to have prostate cancer, for which I'm very grateful, but at the time I was going through a painful period, and I wrote a number of blog posts about it on WorkReport, a blog I used - as you might infer by its name - mainly for work-related posts. It had started when I was looking for work in late 2006 and I'm still running it today, though, since I'm now retired, it's changed its focus considerably. That's one of the great boons of blogs: you can move them on as your situation changes.

Anyway, the book is obviously non-fiction, so that'll be something of a shift from Grimhilda!  But for those who are wondering when the sequel to the musical is going to arrive, I can tell you that I had a meeting today with my co-writer, and we threw some ideas around. It may not be quite the sequel you'll expect - it may not be what we expect - but it will be a musical and of course it'll be great fun to be involved in. So put your name down now!  :)

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