Sunday, October 21, 2012

Special weekend

We have all of our grandchildren here at the moment, because my daughter and her family, who live in ChCh, are down for the weekend.   It's also the birthday of one of the my grandsons - he's nine tomorrow - so we had a party for him this afternoon.  We realised during it that it's the first time all of our grandchildren have actually been together (it's also the first time my daughter's man has been here for about six years).  On the last occasion when there was this big a collection of grandchildren, about three years ago, one of them hadn't been born.

So the house has been full all weekend, with aunts and uncles reacquainting themselves with various nephews and nieces, and with party food everywhere, until no one feels like eating anything anymore.  We had part of the birthday party at the Dunedin North Intermediate swimming pool - it was just our family and a few of my grandson's friends.  Not only don't we feel like eating any more, we're all wiped out from the swim, especially those of us who don't go in the pool very often.

So there's a lot of ongoing cleaning-up, as you can imagine; the fabric tablecloths don't get more than one use before they're in the wash, for instance.

But families are great.

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