Thursday, May 26, 2011

Halik, Harrington and Patience

Patience is what I consider to be the main difference between faith and atheism. What atheism, religious fundamentalism, and the enthusiasm of a too-facile faith have in common is how quickly they can ride roughshod over the mystery we call God – and that is why I find all three approaches equally unacceptable. One must never consider mystery “over and done with.” Mystery, unlike a mere dilemma, cannot be overcome; one must wait patiently at its threshold and persevere in it – must carry it in one’s heart – just as Jesus’s mother did according to the Gospel, and allow it to mature there and lead one in turn to maturity.

From Patience with God: the story of Zaccheus continuing in us, by Tomáš Halik

I began to read Halik's book this morning, after coming across a positive reference to it in a blog post. I'd heard it recommended previously from a different source, and been intriguied by it, but this was the first time I pursued the interest further. Amazingly, there's a Kindle version of it, (there isn't often a Kindle version of books I want to read) so I downloaded it.

What is interesting about the extract above is that it relates quite strongly to the character I've been playing in
Shadowlands: Rev Harry Harrington. I've described his faith elsewhere as shallow, by which I mean that he hasn't really thought through the bigger issues that arise in faith, and has tended to ride roughshod (as Halik suggests) over the mystery of God. For Harrington, God is set and sealed in a certain framework and 'experience' of God outside this box is too much for his mind. Which is why it's interesting that in the middle of their short argument towards the end of the play, Lewis apologetically says that he's 'come up against a bit of experience lately,' meaning that his love for Joy and her early death have hit him deeply and caused him to think deeper into his faith.


Bruce Smit said...

Hey Mike, I love this train of thought, I have long maintained that possibly the number one dilemma facing Christianity today is what Donald McCullough calls "The Trivialisation of God"
The containment of God according to our own experience is in fact I think, a perfect definition of idolatry.

Mike Crowl said...

That's an interesting idea, Bruce, about idolatry. Years ago I read a book by J B Phillips (I think) called, Your God is Too Small. He went through different views of God which all 'boxed' Him in, and it's something I've been aware of throughout my life since. Possibly I'm becoming increasingly okay with God being far more than I can imagine and far more than most churches allow Him to be...

Bruce Smit said...

That's great Mike.. I once heard someone say "you have to lose your religion in order to find it" and in some sense that has been a bit of my story over the years.. in the sense of learning to lose my preconceived ideas about who I have made God to be, and learning to embrace the mystery that he really is.
I quote again from Donald McCullough..."Any god I use to support my latest cause, or who fits comfortably within my understanding or experience, will be a god no larger than I and thus not able to save me from my sin or inspire my worship or empower me for service.
Any god who fits the contours of me will never really transcend me and never really be God at all. Any god who doesn't kick the bars out of the prison of my perceptions will be nothing but a trivial god...."
-Donald McCullough

Always enjoy your blog Mike...

Mike Crowl said...

Glad you enjoy the (randomness of the) blog, Bruce! Yup, I think we have to keep asking ourselves if we've got God all sorted out and if did we manage to do it. He, in the meantime, sits in the heavens and laughs!