I find it quite difficult to remember to use this spelling; my tendency is to go for mikes, in line with the spelling of my own name. But like it or not the normal spelling by the techie people is 'mics.'
It's an oddity in spelling terms: I can't think of another word that ends quite like that and still sounds like mikes. When you look at it, especially the singular form, you tend to try and figure out how to enunciate the 'c'. Standing alone like that, with no 'k' or 't' to follow, it seems isolated. If there was another syllable or two before it, as in the word pandemic, we'd know that it was pronounced 'mick'. In fact, even looking at it bare, without other syllables, there's a tendency to think of it as a mick word, like endemic, systemic, polemic, academic, polemic.
But mic (say mike). Nah, it just don't ring true...
en·dem·ic, sys·tem·ic, ac·a·dem·ic. They all end with the "ic" syllable. Ending in "ick" would only be correct if it were pronounced meh-ick (m·ic) or something.
The correct way is probably mic's or something - it's an abbreviation or contraction (obviously from the micro in microphone).
That said, I can't think of another contraction that works the same way...
And I suppose performers at concerts have to get miced up?
Yes, they do, Koro.
I can't think of another contraction that works that way either.
Yes, they do, Koro.
I can't think of another contraction that works that way either.
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