Saturday, July 14, 2007

Orlando's Neverending delights

I’ve written about Orlando’s many attractions before, particularly Walt Disney World, which is no doubt the best known theme park in the world. Furthermore Walt Disney products are not only one of the best known offshoots of the original films, but the makers of these products were pioneers in the field of movie add-ons. In fact, in one of the towns we visited recently – I can’t remember which, but it might have been Milton Keynes – there was an entire shop dedicated to Walt Disney products. An entire shop.

I didn’t realize there were four theme parks at Disney World, plus a host of other things to do. Sounds like an exhausting holiday unless you’re aged between 6 and 26. At 62 I’m starting to feel a bit old for all the energy that’s required!

I’ve just been looking at one of the sites that sells discount tickets to Walt Disney World. For some reason they list it as Walt Disney World Ticket’s – someone has obviously been taught at school to use apostrophes, but not when to use them! Anyway, the site also has information about a show called Blue Man Group that you can get ticket’s (!) for. The Blue Man Group looks worth going to see. They combine music, theatre and multi-media, and apparently wear blue faces a lot. Okay…

I’ll come back to them in another post.

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