Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Times of London

I’ve been sitting outside in the garden this afternoon reading some of The Times weekend newspaper. When I say ‘some’ I mean that I’ve barely scratched the surface of the umpteen pages I bought for a trifling sum at the supermarket. And it isn’t all classified ads or anything unsubstantial like that. It’s full of columns, news reports, little 50-word briefs, editorials, and so on. And that’s just the main paper. There are several insert papers, and a couple of magazines, one devoted to the media and tv and radio programmes, and the other much more glossy and – yes, I have to admit it – rather insubstantial. But that’s the trend with these weekend glossies, unfortunately. So between keeping the midges at bay, and watching the bees buzzing around the flowers beneath my feet – literally – and three hens puttering their way across the lawn without so much as a how-ye-do? – I tried to get into as much of the paper as possible. It was a Herculean task, and I suspect I’ll still be trying to achieve it by the time next weekend arrives.

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