Monday, November 30, 2009

Who's scaremongering Who

An extract from the latest New Zealand Centre for Political Research's newsletter:

The global warming scaremongering machine has been so successful that developing countries at Copenhagen will be asking nations like New Zealand to front up with an estimated $250 billion to tackle climate change – and according to some sources, that could be each and every year!

The details of what is being proposed at Copenhagen can be found within a document penned by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change working group. This virtually impenetrable 181 page draft contains a bewildering array of negotiating options. However, what stands out is that the bottom-line purpose is money, power and control!

Through this Copenhagen treaty, the United Nations wants countries like New Zealand to agree to ambitious emission reduction targets (up to 95 percent of 1990 levels by 2050 is one of the targets being proposed), to provide huge financial support to developing countries for the purpose of adaptation, mitigation and compensation, and to support the establishment of a proposed new governance body.

Is this really what we want? No wonder Mr Key is keeping out of it. The problem is that Nick Smith is going, and so far he hasn't shown himself to be the wisest person in the country when it comes to climate issues.


Alistair Mackay said...

This Copenhagen meeting is happening at the same time as the leaked Climategate emails have shown the dodgy science behind the Global Warming Theory. The emails showed an agreement to delete data. And today it has been admitted that a large part of the data, which is meant to show that the world is warming, has been "lost". Why isn't this is in the headlines?

Mike Crowl said...

Because it doesn't suit the agenda, maybe? The biggest difficulty now is to get people to stop jumping on the global warming bandwagon and start listening to both sides of the argument.